Dueling Political Personalities

Obama and Romney- Worlds Apart

Illustration: http://www.kaltoons.com

They are at the opposite ends of the Personality Type spectrum having vastly different temperaments predictive of their approach to leadership and governing the country.

It is revealing to analyze the distinct differences of each candidate based on their personality type determined by their physiognomy which is the core of their character.   It allows us to put the complex puzzle of each candidate together by observing their physical characteristics (height, eyes, ears, hand structure) and other facial features along with their body shape to determine where they best fit in the 7 Personality Types so we may gain insight into their inner core and a window into their deeper self.

Because Romney and Obama are at two opposite ends of the Personality Type spectrum, they have an ingrained behavior pattern which determines their base character. Character traits and personality are dictated by our DNA at birth and do not change, they are the basic structure and core of our character, even when they are moderated throughout our lives.  Each type has their own peculiarities and the individual functions predictably within the shell of their Personality Type.  It is the underlying construction of their character.

President Obama is a Saturnian http:/www.personalitypredictors.com/Saturnian

Governor Romney is a Jupiterian http:/www.personalitypredictors.com/Jupiterian


President Obama 

Saturnians are tall, thin, and have a narrow shaped frame, high shoulders and long arms.  Their eyes are dark and they have a sad and subdued expression.   They are known to be gifted in oratory, but have strong and dogmatic opinions.  They are known to be repressors as they are cynical and born doubters.  This is a personality that is shrouded in mystery.  Saturnians are stubborn and do not waiver from their philosophy and agenda.

tending to be ideologues.  Often their ideals are justification for a violation of rules they do not approve of.  They are born rebels that rail against those that do not agree with them and hold grudges.  They have a unique mindset in viewing humanity.  Their oratorical skills allow them to have the ability to capture and engage the attention of others and impose a cult- like devotion and influence over their followers. Saturnians are not by nature social as they avoid close relationships with people, do not have many friends. are rather haughty, intolerant, aloof and obsessive in their viewpoint. They do not engage in collaboration are narcissists and pursue their own vision of the world with their capacity to evoke emotion with their eloquent speeches expecting compliance with their viewpoints.  Normally, they are not in the political arena and rarely Presidents.  Their cool and detached personality does not make them comfortable in an environment where collaboration is a part of the fabric.  Saturnian Motto: My Way Or The Highway.


Governor Romney

Physical characteristics (facial and body) of Mitt Romney firmly place him in the Jupiterian Personality Type. Jupiterians are of medium to slightly tall height and have a fleshier build, heavier rather than slender.  They stand upright, straight shouldered posture and a confident stance.  Their eyes are generally large and expressive but sometimes deep-set, making them thinkers and slightly more philosophical.  This type populates the Fortune 500’s but are also religious leaders as well.  However Romney does not, on the surface, have charisma in the sense of Clinton or JFK.  Because Romney has smaller and deep-set eyes which influence his personality he is slightly more introverted and “shy”.  It should not be interpreted as an “elitist aloofness”, but instead a cautious and analytical side to his character, which in the case of a strong Jupiterian personality is an excellent ingredient. Jupiterians thrive on the challenge of solving problems.

The Jupiterian traits of Romney indicate that he is a talented leader of men, capable of executing well thought out strategies, moral, honorable, often religious and would be diligent and respectful of the responsibility of the Office of the President as Jupiterians are law abiding with a distaste for fraud and deception. Jupiterians are problem solvers and inspire confidence as Ronald Reagan did.  Bill Clinton was a Jupiterian with a rare mix of Apollo http:/www.personalitypredictors.com/Apollo which especially enhanced his charisma allowing him to charm everyone and therefore overcome his adversarial issues.  That combination of personalities is rare and what made him an exceptional President.

Though most Jupiterians are strong willed and consistent in their approach to issues, they are collaborative and always willing to invite others to participate in discussions and contribute their opinions so they can broaden their perspective.  Despite their love of command they respect the team efforts of their staff.

Jupiterian Motto:  I Will Climb The Highest Mountain.


This comparative analysis is based on the Personality Types determined by President Obama’s and Governor Romney’s physiognomy.

There are 7 basic Personality Types.

The description of the character traits in each Personality Type is a baseline guide  with a sliding scale (some people having more pronounced traits than others).  There are ‘shades of gray” within each type, but this is a general portrait of who they are and what their differences are in their approach and vision of leadership.  Determining personality types predicts expected behavior patterns.  Individuals that fall within a Personality Type are not clones. Some people exhibit more “dominant” behavior tendencies of the character traits than others.  Some people are a “softer” version of the type. Others fall into the “extreme” end of the scale having a darker side rather than positive expression of traits. However determining personality types is a reliable guideline to knowing an individual’s character.  It’s in the DNA! This is obvious when comparing the two candidates this year.  They are truly worlds apart.

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