December 2012: Holidays 911

Some of us are overwhelmed by the prospect of the gift giving and entertaining
that is part of the holiday season.

Your personality type determines how you approach the season because it is natural to be overwhelmed.  Your “shopping personality” will be dictated and corresponds with your personality type.

The Jupiterian:  They are the organizers and take great measures to create extravagant events.  As they are bound by family tradition they incorporate family ornaments and keepsakes in their decorations as this makes them secure in their stable and consistent approach to life.  They would  always select a  live green tree, live if possible and certainly not be the family on the block with the pink flocked tree.  When shopping for gifts they are likely to visit high end stores and are careful to select impressive presents after careful deliberation. Their taste is excellent and the danger is that they overspendfor a luxury purchase.

The Saturnian:  Holidays are difficult for this personality that is generally prudent and not fond of socializing.  They would rather skip the commotion.  The gifts they most like to give and receive are puzzles, electronics, curious gadgets, historical novels, coffee table books, detective novels.  Their perfectionism in selecting presents can make them indecisive in choosing “the perfect gifts”. Their tastes are specific when shoppingt.  they Saturnians are careful to select parties and events where they are not in the spotlight but can have quiet conversations with their peers.

The Lunarian:  They live a rarified world of dreams and creativity.  Their imagination rules.  Books on travel and film please them the most.  Not having a high energy level they will not attend many events and prefer intimate quiet dinner parties where they can communicate one to one. It is questionable that they would decorate their homes for the season.

The Martian:  They charge ahead, list in hand with the determination to complete the shopping task at hand non-stop until they finish.  The gifts they select are primarily practical and never frivolous.  As they are active they often give and hope to get sports related gifts.  Martians enjoy social events, they welcome the opportunity to indulge in wine, good food and robust conversation, often dominating the group with their well formed opinions.  They have high energy and great tolerance for partying without wearing down, truly the “party hearty” individuals.

The Apollo:  Always drawn to the glitz and glitter and glamour of the “in” gathering.They enjoy the spotlight and relish the opportunity to charm the group.  Apollos enjoy dressing in the latest fashion that will mark their presence and command attention when they walk into a room. They like to receive and buy “showy” and unique gifts that have nothing to do with practicality. No puzzles for these folks.  They can be addicted to shopping without regard to budget.  Their home will be opulent in holiday décor.  Every holiday party needs an Apollo guest with their positive and entertaining personality as they relish being the center of attention.

The Mercurian:  They are meticulous in their list making and clever in intuitively selecting just the right thing for everyone on their list.  This type usually has set a budget they stick to so they do not overspend and have the January credit card surprise.  Remembering that many Mercurians are accountants and mathematicians. They would tend to underspend than overspend.  All gifts would be carefully wrapped well in advance and stored neatly in their closet.   Socializing is enjoyable for this type and often related to business associates who they include in all events.  Their homes are never over decorated and there is always a game plan in place as they dislike clutter or disruption of their environment.

The Venusian:  Life is a party.  They have a joyous nature and this type is most welcoming of the holidays.  Holidays provide the opportunity to gather their large families and many friends at their home.  Their gatherings are casual and food and drink is abundant.  Laughter and music fill their living rooms.  The gift buying process for them is marathon rather than a sprint since they always feel that they have not selected enough gifts to give  and enjoy spending on family and friends because they have a generous nature.  The gifts they choose are targeted to each of their recipients and often hand crafted or homemade.  They would rather give more smaller gifts than one large one so Macy’s and Target are where you will find them as they are careful to stretch their budget.



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